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Latest update: Dec 2002!!!

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Yes, it's the end of the year again! Time flies, my friend!

Still selling chocolates to Asia for Steenland. Hoping to see some new challenges soon...
Yes, I am still very happy with my new home. Thinking of getting a Christmas tree this year... will see. Would show some pictures with Christmas tree if I would end up getting one. One thing for sure, I already got some beautiful Chrirstmas lights from Koen today! ;-)
Well, although some of you might already have heard about him, some might ask "Who is Koen?" after reading about my Christmas lights! :-) We met in salsa dancing class in Sept. this year, and it was only few weeks ago we started seeing each other outside of the lessons. He is very sweet, loving person and always suceed in making me smile and laugh.

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Yes still this photo but Koen already promised he will make some photos for me... so, just a little bit more patience, please... ;-)

What plans do I have?

4-10 Dec

I and Koen are going on holiday in London, will be staying at my good friend Karen's place, and will also meet up with Eric. Hopefully we would have enough time to drop by Portsmouth to surprise my old friends there.


Stay with my family as my sis will be leaving for Singapore on the 29-Dec. Lucky her, going there for an exchange program for 6 months! Then will visit HK also.

New Year

No concrete plan yet maybe celebrate with some friends. Will see. Maybe making my New Year to-do list again??? ha ha

25-29 January

Of course the year highlight - ISM in Cologne. Again being away on my birthday...

1 February

Chinese New Year!!! But not sure if we would have any celebration... maybe dinner with my family.

Leave me a message? Tell me want you think of my site!

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